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Books & Courses

Some people learn better from books while others prefer interactive courses. We have you covered by including both books and courses here at TeachMePython.
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Python Logging

What does every new developer do when they are first learning to program? They print out strings to their terminal. It's how we learn! But printing out to the terminal isn't what you do with most professional applications.  In those cases, you log in. Sometimes, you log into multiple locations at once. These logs may serve as an audit trail for compliance purposes or help the engineers debug what went wrong. Python Logging teaches you how to log in the Python programming language. Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Python comes with a logging module that makes logging easy.
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Automating Excel with Python Course

Automating Excel with Python Video Course

Automating Excel with Python Video Course Automating Excel Welcome to Automating Excel with Python Lesson 1 - Getting Set Up for Automation Lesson 2 - Reading Spreadsheets with OpenPyXL Quiz 2 - Reading Spreadsheets Lesson 3 - Creating a Spreadsheet with OpenPyXL Quiz 3 - Creating Spreadsheets Lesson 4 - Styling Cells Quiz 4 - […]
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Python 101 - Video Series

Python 101 Video Course

Python 101 Video Course Learning The Python Language Welcome to Python 101 Lesson 1 - Getting Python Lesson 2 - The REPL Lesson 3 - Working with Strings Lesson 4 - Learning About Lists Lesson 5 - Learning About Tuples Lesson 6 - Learning About Dictionaries Lesson 7 - Learning About Sets Lesson 8 - […]
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The Python Quiz Course

The Python Quiz Course

The Python Quiz Course Python Quizzes 1 - 9 Introduction Quiz 1 - Exceptionally Crazy Answer 1 - Exceptionally Crazy Quiz 2 - Number Explosion ? Answer 2 - Number Explosion ? Quiz 3 - Letter Explosion ? Answer 3 - Letter Explosion ? Quiz 4 - Type Addition Answer 4 - Type Addition Quiz […]
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Python 103: Practical Python

Python 103 - Practical Python

It's always helpful to learn how to create real world applications. In this course, you will learn how to use Python to create small applications or useful snippets that you can use in your own code. Here is what you will be learning about: Part I - Python Use Cases Part II - Distributing Your […]
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Python 102: Beyond the Basics

Welcome to Python 102: Beyond the Basics. This course is designed to build upon what you learned in Python 101: Learning the Language and help you learn some intermediate level material in the Python programming language. In this course, you will learn about: When you have finished this course, you will have many new tools […]
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Python 101 - Learning the Language

Python 101 - The Python language will teach you the basics of the Python programming language
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Pillow: Image Processing with Python

The Python Imaging Library allows you to use Python to edit photos. The Pillow package is the latest version of the Python Imaging Library. You can use Python to batch process your photos using Pillow.
Creating GUI Applications with wxPython book cover

Creating GUI Applications with wxPython

Creating GUI Applications with wxPython is a book that will teach you how to use wxPython to create applications by actually creating several mini-programs. I have found that while learning how the various widgets work in wxPython is valuable, it is even better to learn by creating a simple application that does something useful.
Jupyter Notebook 101 book cover

Jupyter Notebook 101

Jupyter Notebook 101 will teach you all you need to know to create and use Notebooks effectively. You can use Jupyter Notebook to help you learn to code, create presentations, and make beautiful documentation.
ReportLab book cover

ReportLab - PDF Processing with Python

ReportLab has been around since the year 2000 and has remained the primary package that Python developers use for creating reports in the PDF format. It is an extremely powerful package that works across all the major platforms. This book will also introduce the reader to other Python PDF packages.

Automating Excel with Python

Python is a versatile programming language. You can use Python to read, write and edit Microsoft Excel documents. There are several different Python packages you can use, but this book will focus on OpenPyXL.
Python 201 book cover

Python 201

Python 201 is the sequel to my first book, Python 101. If you already know the basics of Python and now you want to go to the next level, then this is the book for you! This book is for intermediate level Python programmers only.
Python 101 book cover

Python 101

This book will help you learn how to program with Python 3 from beginning to end. Python 101 starts off with the fundamentals of Python and then moves on to intermediate topics. Once you're finished with those sections, you will learn about creating simple applications and distributing your code!

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Yes, you have 30 days to refund any course or membership you want to.

Which course is most interactive

Browse through the courses and make sure you find something that fits you. Every person is different and not everything applies to everyone.

Which book is best for beginners?

If you have no python experience, I recommend Python 101.

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TeachMePython is my official website for teaching Python to everyone who wants to learn it. I have been teaching Python to programmers around the world for over 10 years on my website, MouseVsPython, as well as on StackOverflow and many Python user groups.
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Built by Luke Netti